What to do if you must cancel a gig

When a booking is confirmed on GigSalad, we expect our members to honor that agreement. However, in the event you must cancel a gig, please follow the procedure outlined below.


Message the client

If you are unable to honor an agreement, let your client know immediately by sending a message through the thread attached to the booking. This creates a record of your cancellation notice. We recommend you call the client as well, just to ensure they got your message and know you are canceling.


Contact GigSalad

Notify us immediately that you are unable to complete your gig so that we can begin the various procedures for canceling the booking. This will include talking with the event planner, issuing a refund, and possibly assisting with finding them a replacement.

You may contact us here, or call us at 417-889-9909.


Return your deposit and pay service fees

If we have already sent your deposit payment to you, you must return the full amount to GigSalad as quickly as possible so we can issue a refund to your client.

In addition, when you are the one to cancel a gig, you must cover all associated fees. That includes the service fee that was taken from your deposit and the service fee the event planner had to pay because we need to return that to them as well.

You can return the deposit and pay the fees one of two ways:
1. PayPal: Send money to gigs@gigsalad.com. Be sure to include the client name and booking number (which you can find at the top of your agreement) in a note with your payment.
2. Credit card: Call us at 417-889-9909 to make a payment over the phone.

Failure to return a deposit or pay service fees could result in your profile being removed from GigSalad.

If you repeatedly cancel bookings, we reserve the right to remove your profile from GigSalad indefinitely. We work hard to ensure a positive booking experience for all users, so we will not keep members who cannot be trusted to honor their agreements.

Pro tip: In order to avoid unnecessary cancellations, take extra precautions to ensure you don't get double booked. When you book a gig outside of GigSalad, check your GigSalad inbox to see if you have any active quotes for that same event date or time. If so, cancel those quotes so the client will no longer be able to book you for the conflicting time.

No show policy

Canceling the day of the event or not going to the event at all is considered a "no show." If this happens, you'll be required to return all money GigSalad has sent to you, plus all service fees. Failure to do so could result in being removed from GigSalad. Read more about our no-show policy and what to do if it happens.

Event/client cancellations

If the event is canceled entirely or the client no longer wishes to use your services, this is handled a bit differently. We still encourage both parties to communicate the cancellation through the message thread and notify GigSalad of the cancellation, but this will be the client's responsibility. They will cancel the booking through their account, and we'll automatically issue refunds based on the cancellation policy you selected for that booking.

Making changes to a booked event

No changes can be made to an agreement after it's been booked. However, if details (such as the date or time) have changed and you agree to them, please confirm the changes with the client in the messaging thread attached to that booking. Be sure they respond to the message on the platform so the changes are confirmed in writing by both parties. Once both parties have confirmed the change in writing, you can contact us, and we'll update the booking agreement for you. 


We know sometimes things that are beyond your control happen. Everything from medical emergencies to simple misunderstandings can result in unfortunate cancellations. We try to be as understanding as possible of each person's situation, and in some cases, certain exceptions may be made. These exceptions are completely at GigSalad's discretion and are not promised. 

Frequently asked questions:

  • Why do I have to pay the event planner's service fee when I cancel?

    The service fee is the only revenue kept by GigSalad for each booking. When you cancel a booking on GigSalad, the client is provided a full refund, including the service fee they paid. We require you to pay the client's service fee after canceling to cover the costs associated with processing the original payment and the refund, as well as the additional work involved in helping the client find a replacement, if possible.

  • Can I provide a replacement instead of canceling?

    You may provide a replacement if the client agrees to this option prior to their event. If your client is comfortable with your replacement, there needs to be confirmation between you and the client in the message thread on GigSalad. If the client does not agree to a replacement, this will be considered a cancellation by you. If you received a deposit from us, it would need to be returned and the event planner service fees would need to be paid to us.

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