How to list your PromoKit in multiple locations

Locations determine where you show up in searches across the site. All search results on GigSalad are location-based, so choosing the right location (and travel distance) is very important. 

To increase your exposure, you may want to purchase more locations in order to boost your PromoKit in search results for other regions. When you purchase a location, your PromoKit will then appear in that location in addition to your primary location. To the visitor, it will be as though you are located in whichever of your locations is closest to them.

Remember, many people use GigSalad to find local entertainment. Consider this before you add a location. You must be prepared to accept gigs in and around that additional city. Getting leads and having to decline them isn't going to be helpful to you or the event planner. 

Buy locations

You can only purchase additional locations if you are a paid member with a non-recurring prepaid membership. Because of how additional location prices are calculated and billed, they are not supported with auto-renewals. So here’s what to do if you have one of the following memberships:

Not sure what kind of membership you have? You can find your membership details in the Account Snapshot in your control panel.

Once your membership is prepaid without a recurring payment, you can buy as many locations as you'd like. 

How much?

The cost of an additional location is pro-rated based on the amount of time left in your current membership term, with an additional 20% off.

To buy a location: 

Log in to your control panel and go to Edit PromoKit.
Go to Lead Preferences and click Edit beside Location or choose it from the menu.
Under Purchase an Additional Location, click Buy Another Location.
Where it says "Choose your new location," type in the city you want to add.
Review the pricing info and use a saved credit card or input new credit card info.
Click Complete Purchase.

Pro tip: Approximately 3-4 months before your membership expires is the perfect time to try out a new location. Because the cost is pro-rated, you will only have to pay a small fee but still have a couple of months to see if the additional exposure increases your leads. 

Edit your locations

You can change your locations from the same Location page in your control panel (Edit PromoKit > Lead Preferences > Location). 

To change your primary city:

  1. Where it says, "What would you like your primary location to be?" type in the city you want. 
  2. Click Save

To change one of your additional cities:

  1. Click edit beside the city you want to change. 
  2. Type in the new city.
  3. Click Update Location.

Remove a location

To remove a location, click edit beside the city you want to remove and then click Remove This Location. Keep in mind (and the page will offer the same warning) that removing a location cannot be undone and will permanently remove your PromoKit from that city. There are no refunds for unused time on deleted locations.

Renewing with multiple locations

If you have multiple locations on your PromoKit at the time of expiration, your renewal cost will include your base membership fee (minus 10% if you renew before you expire) plus an additional membership fee (minus 20%) for each location. If you don't wish to renew all the previously purchased locations, you will need to remove the ones you no longer want (see above) before renewing your membership.

Listing your PromoKit in multiple locations is a great way to get more exposure and increase your booking opportunities. If you'd like to discuss this option further or get help buying locations, contact us.

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