Creating saved messages

When replying to leads on GigSalad, response time is incredibly important. To save time and make the process much easier, you can create saved messages in advance to use for a quick reply.

Create a new saved message

There are probably several responses you find yourself writing over and over again when replying to leads. Rather than starting from scratch each time, save the replies you use the most often. You can do this one of two ways:

From your Tools

To create some message templates in advance:

Log in to your control panel, go to Tools, and select Manage Saved Messages.
Click on Create a new message.
Add a title for your message. This title will not be visible to clients. It's only used for you to identify which saved message to choose when replying to a lead.
Write your message and attach any photos, documents, or audio files. Use the shortcodes to automatically populate unique client and event details into the message.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2-5 for as many saved messages as you'd like to have.

From the message thread

As you're responding to a lead, if you type a message that you would like to reuse later or save for further editing, you can do so by clicking the checkbox next to "Save this message." Once you select this checkbox and add a title, your message will be saved as soon as you hit Send.

Edit a saved message

To make changes to one of your existing saved messages:

Log in to your control panel, go to Tools, and select Manage Saved Messages.
Select the saved message you want to edit from the drop-down menu.
Make any changes to the title or message content, or add/change your attachments.

Click Update Message.


Repeat steps 2-5 for as many saved messages as you'd like to edit.

Delete a saved message

To delete any of your existing saved messages:

Log in to your control panel, go to Tools, and select Manage Saved Messages.
Select the saved message you want to remove from the drop-down menu.
Click Delete Message.

Repeat for as many saved messages you'd like to delete.

Add shortcodes

Shortcodes allow you to personalize your saved messages without having to type in specific client and event details each time. For example, if you use the [date] shortcode, the date for the event you're responding to will be automatically filled in where you've placed that code.

A full list of shortcodes available to use will be displayed when adding or editing a message. As you write your message, you can type the bracketed code, or you can just click on the appropriate code and it will be added.

Respond with a saved message

Once you've created one or more saved messages, you'll be shown a dropdown list (identified by the titles you added) to choose from when you reply to a lead with a message. Select the one you want, make any necessary edits, or add further personalization, then send it! 

Pro tip: Check out these helpful suggestions and examples to get you started with creating various message templates for your business.

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