How to manage & share your reviews

Collecting and showing off great reviews for your act or service can really set you apart from the competition and mean the difference between getting a gig or not. Because of this, reviews may be the single most valuable feature on your PromoKit.

About getting reviews

When you book a gig using our booking platform, we will automatically email your client in the days following the event to ask them to review you. These reviews will be posted immediately and marked as Verified. You can also request reviews from your clients, both on and off GigSalad. Learn more about requesting reviews.

The process of leaving a review is very simple. The client will choose a rating of 1-5 stars and then provide written feedback on services. They can even attach pictures from the event if they booked it on GigSalad. Once completed, if they already have a GigSalad account, it will be posted immediately. If they do not have an account, we will send them an email to confirm their review. Once they click the confirmation link in the email, the review will appear on your PromoKit. We require email confirmation to ensure the validity of the review and to verify the reviewer's identity.

Once a review becomes public on your PromoKit, we'll send you an email notification. If you do not wish to receive this email, you can adjust the notification preferences in your Account.

Manage your reviews

You can see and manage your reviews by going to Reviews in your control panel and choosing View Reviews from the menuYour reviews will be sorted by most recent with unread reviews in bold. Click on a review to see the client's feedback, reply to them, or get a share link.

Review statuses:

  • Verified review: This review is visible on your PromoKit and has a "Verified Review" label, meaning it's tied to a booking that happened through the GigSalad booking platform. Read more about verified reviews.
  • Unverified review: This review is visible on your PromoKit, but the event was booked outside of GigSalad so it is unverified.
  • Disputed review: This review is visible on your PromoKit, but you have disputed it. If your dispute is accepted, the review will be removed from your profile and your review list.
  • Featured review: You chose this to be one of the three featured reviews on your PromoKit. This option is only available for Featured members.

You cannot edit or alter your reviews. If you find errors or have any issues with the review, you can contact your client and ask them to log in to their account and update the review. Or they can contact us to help them. 

Reviews cannot be removed, but you may dispute a review if you feel it is fraudulent or abusive.

Post a reply

Below the client's feedback, there is a follow-up section where you can post a reply. This reply will be displayed publicly below the review for other potential clients to read. It can be helpful to reply to both positive and negative reviews. With a positive review, you can reply with a thank you message and share some more details about the event. If the review isn't as glowing as you'd like, your reply can serve as an apology and an explanation of what went wrong and why. A well-written and polite rebuttal will show clients your professionalism.

How reviews are displayed

By default, all of your reviews will be displayed on your PromoKit in order of recency, giving preference to any verified reviews received within the last 90 days. Unverified reviews will be displayed next in chronological order, based on the date your client posted the review. 

Note: This is available for Featured members only.

If you are a Featured member, you may choose up to 3 reviews to appear at the top of your review list, whether they are verified or not. These will be posted above the default display outlined above. 

To choose your "featured" reviews:
  1. Under Reviews in your control panel, select View Reviews.
  2. Choose the review you'd like to feature.
  3. Scroll down to the Feature Review section, check the box beside "Feature this review" and click Update Featured Reviews.
  4. Repeat for up to three reviews.

Not a Featured member? Upgrade to access featured reviews.

Share your reviews

At the bottom of each review in your control panel, there will be a link that can be used to allow someone to view that specific review. When you get a great review, show it off by sharing it across your social media profiles. Click Copy Link to save the URL to paste wherever you choose.

In addition to sharing your individual reviews, you can also add a reviews widget to your personal website. This widget can display up to 4 reviews, automatically choosing the top 4 and updating whenever you receive new feedback. 

Self-posting reviews

Since all reviews require an email confirmation from the client, you cannot post their reviews for them. Doing so would render the rating illegitimate. If we are able to determine that this has occurred (and we usually can), the review(s) will be removed. Multiple violations of self-posting reviews could result in removal from the site. Instead, you should contact the client to request a review from them directly.

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